As we know traditionally your mentor is your family but some parents are MIA (Missing In Action) and in this day and age a mentor can be anyone.  With the technology we have today you really don’t need to live in the same town, city or country as your mentor to be effective. You also don’t need to have a formal mentor relationship with someone in order for them to be a “mentor” – you can simply often communicate with them through Skype,  advice them online thorough emails or Facebook connection, you can observe how they work (if work together), you can look how they treat people  or  how they respond in different situations (if live nearby), etc.

Please send us your information if you are willing to volunteer to be a mentor and we will partner you with so many people who are looking for advisers.  Your knowledge and skills is very highly important and needed so much in Tanzania right now.

Your contact information
City, Country
Who are you willing to mentor (career or areas of expertise)
Education Level(option)
Hours per week you can be available
Number of people you are willing to mentor
Means of communications Email, letter, telephone, Face Book, Skype or meet in person if both live in the same town/city.
If leave in the same town/city how many km /ml are you will to travel to meet every week/month?
A little bit about you (option)

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